Corn Husk
These dolls originate from the natives of North America, and are traditionall made of dried leaves from corn and similair plants. We make ours with special lacquer and original planet matter to keep the texture traditional, but keep the doll fresh so it may never mold or spoil.

A small round doll and figure modeled after the founder of Buddhism, the Bodhidharma. When you receive a Daruma, it will have two blank eyes. On New Years Eve you must fill one of the eyes when you decide to make a New Years goal. When you complete this goal, fill out the other eye!

These cylindrical dolls originated from Northeastern Japan, and are made from chunks of wood. They are wonderful decorations, and can be in a number of styles based on your preferences.

Also known as Pennywoods, these dolls originate from Germany. Peg dolls are some of the oldest surviving type of doll that use the original joint system, as well as having hair which can be brushed and braided. They are traditional sold without clothing, but Victorian dress can be bought as an accesory.

Raggedy Ann
While originally an original character by childrens author Johnny Gruelle, this one of a pair have become the posterchildren for the rag doll genre across the globe. Raggedy Ann is the 'main character' of the series, and has a wonderful style that can be both handmade and manufactured. We hope to give his character justice!

Raggedy Andy
The other have of the Raggedy pair, and the brother to Ann! For history of these dolls, see our article on the Raggedy Ann option.

Hina-matsuri, also known as Girl's Day or Doll's Day, is a holiday in Japan on every third of March. Hina dolls are set up on layered or shelved platforms draped with red cloth in an arrangement reminiscent of the imperial court of the Heian period.

Bunraku is a form of puppet theater founded in Osaka utilizing this doll, drum players, a narrator, and a shamisen player. The puppeteers stand behind the puppets wearing veils and dark clothing, akin to traditional greiving wear, with lighting giving the effect that they are not there.